
Necropolis of Montessu


The place we are about to visit truly deserves this name: it’s made up of about forty ‘domus de janas’ – ‘houses of the fairies’ according to popular parlance – dug out of the rock in a natural amphitheatre of great beauty. The typologies of these tombs differ. The simpler ones have a single chamber with curved vault. But most have a more complex design: a larger chamber surrounded by several elevated niches, preceded by a curved or rectangular vestibule. Access to the tombs was through an entrance closed by a stone slab set in notches or grooves cut into the threshold. Other tombs comprise square chambers, deep vestibules partly cut out of the rock and partly built with upright slabs, an ante-cell and two chambers set in a row. The funerary goods were placed in recesses, niches or cups cut into the rock. The cup marks were also perhaps connected to the ancient cult of the Neolithic Mother Goddess. The ‘domus de janas’ were constructed in the Late Neolithic (3200 – 2800 BC) and continued to be used in the Late Aeneolithic up to the Early Bronze Age (2400 – 1600 BC).

Might interest

Guided visits

Soc. Coop. Mediterranea

T 0781/64040
E-mail: info@mediterraneacoop.it

Services offered

• guided visits
• tour packages
• foreign language assistance
• access for people with disabilities
• educational activities
• vehicle access

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