
Bruncu Madugui


The plateau known as ‘Giara di Gesturi’ is a special place from many points of view. Ours is that of archaeology. Its slopes are dotted with remains from various periods, bearing witness to many centuries of human presence. Let’s take a closer look at one of these structures. It has been variously called a ‘proto-nuraghe’, ‘pseudo-nuraghe’, or ‘corridor nuraghe’. Three labels to identify the same monument. Three ways of highlighting its historical significance. It is a structure built of irregular basalt blocks; its ground plan is kidney-shaped. The distinctive architectural element of this type of buildings is the corridor which stretches through its interior, instead of the corbelled roof – the ‘tholos’ – of the classic nuraghi. This monument dates from the Middle Bronze Age (1500 – 1300 BC). Some 100 m from the nuraghe we find a hut village. Here too we find multiple adjacent dwellings surrounded by a common perimeter wall and all opening onto a common courtyard. The village belongs to the Late Bronze Age (1300 – 900 BC).

Might interest

Guided visits

Coop. Sa Jara Manna

via Vittorio Emanuele III 72 - Gesturi
T 070/9369052

E-mail: museodellagiara@gmail.com

Services offered
• guided visits
• foreign language assistance
• access for people with disabilities
• educational activities
• vehicle access

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Tourist Accommodation and Services
Where to sleep
Under construction
Where to eat
Under construction

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