
Necropoli di Anghelu Ruju  Alghero - Sassari

We allow ourselves one of our infrequent forays outside the timeframe explored in our journey. The necropolis of Anghelu Ruju does not in fact belong to the nuraghic world, but it pre-dates it.

Necropoli di Sant’Andrea Priu  Bonorva - Sassari

La Necropoli preistorica di Sant’Andrea, sita a pochi chilometri dal paese di Bonorva, annovera domus de janas di differente tipologia, scavate sulla parete verticale di un costone trachitico, alto circa 10 m.

Necropolis of Montessu  Villaperuccio - Cagliari

The place we are about to visit truly deserves this name: it’s made up of about forty ‘domus de janas’ – ‘houses of the fairies’ according to popular parlance – dug out of the rock in a natural amphitheatre of great beauty.


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