
The Sacred Area of Janna ’e Pruna


The territory of the Municipality of Irgoli, with its rich archaeological heritage, was densely inhabited from Neolithic to historical times. The sacred area of Janna ’e Pruna is one of its most significant sites: here we find an interesting example of megaron temple, set within a walled area with trapezoid ground plan, in turn surrounded by another outer ring of walls. The sacred building, whose unusual design enriches the range of religious sites of nuraghic Sardinia, dates from the period between the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age (12th – 8th centuries BC).
At some 200-250 m from the temple is located the sacred nuraghic spring of Su Notante, constructed in carefully squared basalt blocks and dated between the Late and Final Bronze Ages (12th – 10th centuries BC). The building housing the spring has, at one end of the façade, a remaining portion of a sturdy retaining-boundary wall made of rough-hewn granite blocks. Interesting finds from archaeological campaigns are on show in the local Antiquarium, which also arranges guided visits to the archaeological areas.

Might interest

Guided visits

Irei s.r.l.

T +39 393 9020917
E-mail: ireisnc@tiscali.it

Services offered
• guided visits
• tour packages
• foreign language assistance
• access for people with disabilities
• educational activities
• vehicle access

Caricamento mappa...

Tourist Accommodation and Services
Where to sleep
Under construction
Where to eat
Under construction

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