
Area of Santa Vittoria  Serri - Nuoro

Historians often tell us that religious-purpose buildings tended to be located in high places which formed a sort of natural altar. It’s certainly difficult to say how real the connection between height and sacredness is from a rational standpoint.

Tempio a pozzo di Sant’Anastasìa  Sardara - Cagliari

Dare una definizione del concetto di ‘sacro’ non è semplice. L’archeologia si confronta infatti con molteplici manifestazioni materiali che ne rappresentano una sorta di concrezione fisica.

The Sacred Area of Janna ’e Pruna  Irgoli - Nuoro

The territory of the Municipality of Irgoli, with its rich archaeological heritage, was densely inhabited from Neolithic to historical times. The sacred area of Janna ’e Pruna is one of its most significant sites.

Well Temple of Santa Cristina  Paulilatino - Oristano

Along Highway 131, not far from the Nuraghe Losa, we find one of the best-known and most fascinating monuments in Sardinia: the well temple of Santa Cristina.


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