Archaeological area of Monte Santu Antine Genoni - Nuoro
Mentioned in the literature since the 19th century, the remains of the monumental complex of Santu Antine, in the municipal territory of Genoni, were excavated between 1980 and 1995.
Mentioned in the literature since the 19th century, the remains of the monumental complex of Santu Antine, in the municipal territory of Genoni, were excavated between 1980 and 1995.
Il villaggio nuragico di S’Urbale è situato nella regione del Mandrolisai su una collina vicino al paese di Teti e si estende per una superficie di 10.000 mq.
Aristotle reminds us that each reality has its roots deep in the past, or rather in ‘a’ past.
A temple, a village, four giants’ tombs: together, they form yet another architectural microcosm from the nuraghic period.
Historians often tell us that religious-purpose buildings tended to be located in high places which formed a sort of natural altar. It’s certainly difficult to say how real the connection between height and sacredness is from a rational standpoint.
What we call ‘culture’ is the sum of elements which form the world of each human being: the spaces of life and those of death. The settlements, the places of worship and the grave sites.
Visiting archaeological sites means above all plunging into a sensory experience. It is our body, in its fullness, which enjoys the experience. If we let ourselves be guided by it, if we listen to it, we can hope to enter into contact with the past thanks to the traces reaching us from other worlds.
It is not unusual in Sardinia to overhear someone engaged in a discussion about the nuraghi. And quite often a friendly argument will ensue about which is the ‘biggest nuraghe’. By and large, there are two possible contestants: Su Nuraxi of Barumini and Arrubiu of Orroli.
The Is Paras nuraghe stands close to the small town of Isili. It is a complex nuraghe, consisting of a keep partly incorporated into a fortress comprising three towers linked by curtain walls and enclosing a courtyard, protected on the eastern side by an outer wall.
This time we are in the presence of a monument set on a hill near the coast. Our glance ranges wide, all around us. This is a single-tower nuraghe, of medium size, constructed with large polygonal blocks, set in regular courses.
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