
Nuraghe Arrubiu


It is not unusual in Sardinia to overhear someone engaged in a discussion about the nuraghi. And quite often a friendly argument will ensue about which is the ‘biggest nuraghe’. By and large, there are two possible contestants: Su Nuraxi of Barumini and Arrubiu of Orroli. We will not engage in this kind of discussion, which has as little sense as discussing which nuraghe was built first. Let us focus instead on the features of this monument. We are in the presence of a colossus: a nuraghe with a central keep originally set out on two floors, surrounded by massive curtain walls linking five towers, plus an outer set of walls with seven towers. All around lies the village where excavations are still in progress. The interior of the huts is lined by a stone bench, a clue usually interpreted as showing that it was reserved for village meetings. The research in progress has dated the most intense period in the life of this settlement between the Middle Bronze Age and the Late Bronze Age (1300 – 900 BC). At the beginning of the Iron Age (900 – 800 BC) the complex was abandoned rather abruptly. From 200 BC to 500 AD some buildings for wine pressing and other farming activities were erected over two ruined courtyards.

Might interest

Guided visits

Coop Is Janas

Loc. Su Pranu - via E. D'Arborea 30, Orroli
T 0782/847269
E-mail: isjanas@tiscali.it

Services offered
• guided visits
• tour packages
• foreign language assistance
• access for people with disabilities
• educational activities
• vehicle access

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Under construction
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Under construction

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