
Nuraghe Serbissi


Our journey now brings us once again to enjoy a scenic experience.
Nuraghe Serbissi, which we are about to visit, is a three-towered nuraghe set on a limestone spur known as “Su Taccu”, from which our gaze ranges into the far distance. The nuraghe is surrounded by a village; in the nearby area we also find a cave with two entrances, two giants’ tombs and two single-tower nuraghi known as Sanu and Orruttu. Once again, a microcosm of nuraghic architecture. The nuraghe which is the main element of the settlement is made up of a keep set on several floors and surrounded by a wall with three towers.
The fortress is built in squared stone blocks.
We enter the monument through an opening in the curtain wall joining the southern and western towers.
The village comprises at least eight blocks. Each block consists of a series of built spaces surrounded by a single external wall and opening onto a central courtyard. Both the nuraghe and the village flourished from the Early to the Late Bronze Age (late 1600s – 900 BC).

Might interest

Guided visits

Archeo Taccu

Via Eleonora d'Arborea 15, Osini
T +39 329 7643343

E-mail: archeotaccu@gmail.com

Services offered
• guided visits
• tour packages
• foreign language assistance
• access for people with disabilities
• educational activities
• vehicle access

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