Nuraghe Serbissi Osini - Nuoro
Nuraghe Serbissi, which we are about to visit, is a three-towered nuraghe set on a limestone spur known as “Su Taccu”, from which our gaze ranges into the far distance.
Nuraghe Serbissi, which we are about to visit, is a three-towered nuraghe set on a limestone spur known as “Su Taccu”, from which our gaze ranges into the far distance.
All around the nuraghe is vast, open countryside. We breathe deeply as we move towards the monument. And then we finally come close to it. It is not easy to ‘read’ its structure, as it was repeatedly altered over the centuries.
Words such as city, town and village, which we use to distinguish between different types of settlement, can be misleading.
We are in the territory of Oliena, enfolded in the timeless beauty of the Lanaittu valley. All around lush, burgeoning vegetation guards the traces left by human presence over the centuries, the ancient remains forming a harmonious unity with nature.
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