
Nuraghe Scerì


The area which hosts the nuraghe Scerì was inhabited from Neolithic times, as shown by two ‘domus de janas’, chamber tombs cut into two erratic granite boulders: their exploration has brought to light, among other things, the head of a small female idol.
In nuraghic times, a complex nuraghe was constructed, with the base at various heights on account of the uneven level of the rocky outcrop on which it rises. The main tower, with round ground plan, has an irregular annexed structure, which incorporates the rocky outcrop. Beneath the main tower there are some natural cavities already in use in ancient times, as shown by the walls which close them off. An outer ring of walls was set at a lower level, surrounding the complex. Around it lie the ruins of a large village.

Might interest

Guided visits

Irei s.r.l.

T +39 393 9020917
E-mail: ireisnc@tiscali.it

Services offered
• guided visits
• tour packages
• foreign language assistance
• access for people with disabilities
• educational activities
• vehicle access

Caricamento mappa...

Tourist Accommodation and Services
Where to sleep
B&B Scerì
via Roma 143 Ilbono - 0782 512035 / 3333414849 / 3395616733
Where to eat
Under construction

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