
Nuraghe Arrubiu  Orroli - Nuoro

It is not unusual in Sardinia to overhear someone engaged in a discussion about the nuraghi. And quite often a friendly argument will ensue about which is the ‘biggest nuraghe’. By and large, there are two possible contestants: Su Nuraxi of Barumini and Arrubiu of Orroli.

Nuraghe Cuccurada  Mogoro - Oristano

While still travelling along State Road 131, the island’s main highway, our glance is caught by Nuraghe Cuccurada. When we reach the site we realise that we are in the presence of a complex architectural feat.

Nuraghe Is Paras  Isili - Nuoro

The Is Paras nuraghe stands close to the small town of Isili. It is a complex nuraghe, consisting of a keep partly incorporated into a fortress comprising three towers linked by curtain walls and enclosing a courtyard, protected on the eastern side by an outer wall.

Nuraghe Losa  Abbasanta - Oristano

Not all nuraghic monuments are located in rugged or hard to reach places. Some today stand near major and busy highways. This is the case of the Nuraghe Losa, an impressive fortress, built in regular courses of basalt blocks, consisting of a central keep surrounded by three towers linked by curtain walls.

Nuraghe Majori  Tempio - Sassari

Il nuraghe Majori è situato a circa due chilometri da Tempio Pausania, in località Conca Marina, in prossimità di una collinetta granitica che si trova a 498 metri di altezza sul livello del mare, ricoperta di un fitto bosco misto di sughera, leccio, roverella e frassino.

Nuraghe Mannu  Dorgali - Nuoro

This time we are in the presence of a monument set on a hill near the coast. Our glance ranges wide, all around us. This is a single-tower nuraghe, of medium size, constructed with large polygonal blocks, set in regular courses.

Nuraghe Nolza  Meana Sardo - Nuoro

We continue on our journey through the world of the nuraghi, and come upon yet another monument. This is Nuraghe Nolza: a structure consisting of a central keep surrounded by four smaller towers linked by curtain walls.

Nuraghe Nuraddeo  Suni - Nuoro

Archaeology is a very popular subject in Sardinia. The press, TV, politicians, men of culture, laypeople, all seem not only interested, but also well-versed on the subject.

Nuraghe Santa Barbara  Macomer - Nuoro

Il nuraghe è situato su un ripiano basaltico, alle pendici del Monte Manai, in posizione dominante sulla piana di Abbasanta. La struttura, costruita con blocchi di basalto appena sbozzati e disposti a file orizzontali regolari, è di tipo complessa.

Nuraghe Santu Antine  Torralba - Sassari

Our journey now takes us to the Nuraghe Santu Antine. A visit to this site certainly leaves its mark – an experience both physical and intellectual. This monument begins to speak to us from far off – it is set on a large flat area offering far-reaching views.


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