
Nuraghe Mannu


This time we are in the presence of a monument set on a hill near the coast. Our glance ranges wide, all around us. This is a single-tower nuraghe, of medium size, constructed with large polygonal blocks, set in regular courses.
The current height of the tower is 4.7 m and its diameter at the base is 12.8 m. A corridor leads into a chamber whose position is not perfectly centred with the base of the tower and which has an irregular round ground plan.
On the outer face of the tower’s walls, on the south side, we can see four niches whose original function is unclear. Perhaps they are the remains of an original stairwell, which was incorporated into the wall in a later phase of the life of the fortress.
All around are various huts, the remains of what was quite an extensive village, especially if compared with the size of the nuraghe itself.
The huts closest to the nuraghe have a round ground plan, whereas those farthest away have a quadrangular ground plan.
The foundation of this monument dates from the Middle Bronze Age (around 1500 BC).

Book a visit

Might interest

Guided visits

Coop. Ghivine del G.r.a. - Nuraghe Mannu

Via Lamarmora 69 - Dorgali
T +39 338 8341618
E-mail: ghivine@tiscali.it

Services offered
• guided visits
• tour packages
• foreign language assistance
• access for people with disabilities
• educational activities
• vehicle access

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Tourist Accommodation and Services
Where to sleep
Under construction
Where to eat
Under construction

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