
Complex of Palmavera  Alghero - Sassari

Ci troviamo in presenza di una delle aree archeologiche più note della Sardegna, occupata da un nuraghe complesso – due torri e antemurale – e da un villaggio.

Monte d’Accoddi  Sassari - Sassari

According to a reading of the Mayan Calendar, 12/12/12 was supposed to be the date of the end of the world. Amongst those who chose to believe this prophecy, some must have decided to await that moment right here, at the altar of Monte d’Accoddi.

Necropoli di Anghelu Ruju  Alghero - Sassari

We allow ourselves one of our infrequent forays outside the timeframe explored in our journey. The necropolis of Anghelu Ruju does not in fact belong to the nuraghic world, but it pre-dates it.

Necropoli di Sant’Andrea Priu  Bonorva - Sassari

La Necropoli preistorica di Sant’Andrea, sita a pochi chilometri dal paese di Bonorva, annovera domus de janas di differente tipologia, scavate sulla parete verticale di un costone trachitico, alto circa 10 m.

Nuraghe Albucciu  Arzachena - Sassari

Time alters the material shape of things, but also changes their meaning. That is why the past reaches us in fragments. And that is also why interpreting the past is all but easy.

Nuraghe Appiu  Villanova Monteleone - Sassari

As always during our journey, the scenery is the first element which catches our attention. The communion between nature and culture penetrates our thoughts and makes us receptive to what we are going to see.

Nuraghe Majori  Tempio - Sassari

Il nuraghe Majori è situato a circa due chilometri da Tempio Pausania, in località Conca Marina, in prossimità di una collinetta granitica che si trova a 498 metri di altezza sul livello del mare, ricoperta di un fitto bosco misto di sughera, leccio, roverella e frassino.

Nuraghe Santu Antine  Torralba - Sassari

Our journey now takes us to the Nuraghe Santu Antine. A visit to this site certainly leaves its mark – an experience both physical and intellectual. This monument begins to speak to us from far off – it is set on a large flat area offering far-reaching views.

Tomba dei giganti Li Lolghi e Li Muri  Arzachena - Sassari

One of the distinctive traits of human beings is certainly the need to bury their dead. Thus, burial sites yield precious evidence about the lives and practices of their creators.


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