Archaeological Area of S’Urbale Teti - Nuoro
Il villaggio nuragico di S’Urbale è situato nella regione del Mandrolisai su una collina vicino al paese di Teti e si estende per una superficie di 10.000 mq.
Il villaggio nuragico di S’Urbale è situato nella regione del Mandrolisai su una collina vicino al paese di Teti e si estende per una superficie di 10.000 mq.
We make our way through the lush Mediterranean maquis which still surrounds this site: one of the island’s best-known and most evocative nuraghic sacred areas. A true village-sanctuary, a catalyst of the sacred energy so deeply felt by this ancient civilisation.
Along the way leading to the sanctuary of Su Romanzesu, we cross a beautiful cork tree grove which protects the sacred area, one of the most important and imposing on the whole island.
Our daily lives are punctuated by a variety of moments. The regular activities in which we engage determine the meaning of our time. The spiritual and the material dimensions often struggle for supremacy in our search for a meaningful life.
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