
Nuraghe Cuccurada  Mogoro - Oristano

While still travelling along State Road 131, the island’s main highway, our glance is caught by Nuraghe Cuccurada. When we reach the site we realise that we are in the presence of a complex architectural feat.

Nuraghe Santu Antine  Torralba - Sassari

Our journey now takes us to the Nuraghe Santu Antine. A visit to this site certainly leaves its mark – an experience both physical and intellectual. This monument begins to speak to us from far off – it is set on a large flat area offering far-reaching views.

Village of Sa Sedda ‘e sos Carros  Oliena - Nuoro

We are in the territory of Oliena, enfolded in the timeless beauty of the Lanaittu valley. All around lush, burgeoning vegetation guards the traces left by human presence over the centuries, the ancient remains forming a harmonious unity with nature.


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