
Nuraghe Mannu  Dorgali - Nuoro

This time we are in the presence of a monument set on a hill near the coast. Our glance ranges wide, all around us. This is a single-tower nuraghe, of medium size, constructed with large polygonal blocks, set in regular courses.

The Village of Serra Orrios  Dorgali - Nuoro

In our journey, the meetings with the relics of the past prompt the eerie impression that Sardinia is still partly immersed in that ancient world. That its history is not entirely ‘history’ but is still living today. Just a feeling of course, and yet…

Village of Tiscali  Dorgali - Nuoro

L’area, che mostra oggi i segni del degrado, presenta due agglomerati di capanne di diversa planimetria, dimensione e funzione. Il primo agglomerato, formato da una quarantina di capanne, è situato nel settore N della cavità, in forte pendio.


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