Archaeological area of Monte Santu Antine Genoni - Nuoro
Mentioned in the literature since the 19th century, the remains of the monumental complex of Santu Antine, in the municipal territory of Genoni, were excavated between 1980 and 1995.
Mentioned in the literature since the 19th century, the remains of the monumental complex of Santu Antine, in the municipal territory of Genoni, were excavated between 1980 and 1995.
To date, our forays outside the time and cultural boundaries of nuraghic civilisation have been limited to brief glances at what preceded that world, back in prehistory.
Il nuraghe Majori è situato a circa due chilometri da Tempio Pausania, in località Conca Marina, in prossimità di una collinetta granitica che si trova a 498 metri di altezza sul livello del mare, ricoperta di un fitto bosco misto di sughera, leccio, roverella e frassino.
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