
Nuraghe Su Mulinu


Life – however you look at it – is a dynamic phenomenon. Everything which lives is in a state of constant flux. This also applies to cultural phenomena, vital expressions of our humanity. This dynamic is reflected in the evolving forms of the buildings and objects studied by archaeology.
All around the nuraghe is vast, open countryside. We breathe deeply as we move towards the monument.
And then we finally come close to it. It is not easy to ‘read’ its structure, as it was repeatedly altered over the centuries.
From 1600 BC, the time of its foundation, its long history reached as far as 150 AD, in the midst of the Roman era.
We will not describe its layout in detail – we leave it to you to appreciate it first-hand. But there is one element making this monument truly special: the altar to be found inside the keep: an extraordinary monumental altar in sandstone in the shape of a nuraghe, set in the north-eastern corner. Just as you can’t explain the magic of a poem, it’s impossible to describe – come and admire it with your own eyes.

Might interest

Guided visits

Coop. Il Coccio

Loc Pranu Scallitta - Villanovafranca
T 070/9367458

E-mail: ilcocciopicoop@tiscali.it

Services offered
• guided visits
• tour packages
• foreign language assistance
• access for people with disabilities
• educational activities
• vehicle access

Caricamento mappa...

Tourist Accommodation and Services
Where to sleep
Under construction
Where to eat
Under construction

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