
Area of Santa Vittoria


Historians often tell us that religious-purpose buildings tended to be located in high places which formed a sort of natural altar. It’s certainly difficult to say how real the connection between height and sacredness is from a rational standpoint. However, all our doubts vanish if we rely on direct sensory experience. The site of Santa Vittoria is a perfect example. An ancient nuraghe, a well temple, a great walled area containing various structures and chambers facing inwards, a village made up of several buildings which served various purposes associated with the life of the sanctuary. Archaeologists think the whole area was a centre of worship, receiving the population from a vast surrounding area during periodic collective celebrations. The site has yielded a number of small bronze figurines left by the pilgrims as gifts to the Goddess to invoke her blessing or give thanks for a favour granted. We have come to this site on a winter day when the mistral wind blows strong from the north. The wind has shaped the surrounding vegetation, bending the trees almost parallel to the ground. The sacred well can be dated between the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Ages (1100 – 800 BC). The site was at least partly abandoned in the 8th century BC, but we still find traces of use in the Punic-Roman periods.

Might interest

Guided visits

L’Acropoli Nuragica

Loc. Santa Vittoria - Serri (Ca)
T 3460669068 - 348 8893945
E-mail: acropolinuragica@tiscali.it

Services offered
• guided visits
• tour packages
• foreign language assistance
• access for people with disabilities
• educational activities
• vehicle access

Caricamento mappa...

Tourist Accommodation and Services
Where to sleep
Under construction
Where to eat
Under construction

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